Using a self-service password reset system allows you to manage your own password resets and account unlocks.  Our current system allows the user to do the following changes on their accounts:

  • Reset your password - the purpose of this feature is to allow the user to change their own password if the password has already expired.  You will follow a set of directions, which include answering the secret questions that you were asked during the enrollment into the system.  Once that is complete, you will be able to reset your password.
  • Unlock your account - in the event that you have entered the incorrect password too many times, your account will lock for a pre-determined period before automatically unlocking.  If you are aware that you were using the wrong password and need to manually unlock the account, you can visit the Password Reset portal to unlock it.
  • Change the current password - this feature is slightly different than "Reset your password"; where "resetting" the password is generally what the user would do if the password has already expired, changing it allows the user to log in to the system first with the current password, and change it to a new one.  Resetting assumes that the password has expired, or its been forgotten, and challenges you to verify your identity.  Changing it assumes that your current password is still valid, but you'd like to change it to something else for whatever reason.

To access the Student Password Reset portal, please go to and click on MY MITCHELL in the upper right hand corner.  Scroll down until you reach Password Services, as pictured below: